How shall I start preparing for the UPSC exam?

I’m writing down the sources and the test system that I followed. Glad to share it to serve everybody. This may likewise help fledglings by providing a guide to their important endeavors.

Read the exam notification

You should begin with perusing the test warning exhaustively. You will know about the plan of the assessment, prospectus, capability measures and so on This must be finished by the competitor all alone. You should likewise pick your discretionary subject for mains by going through the optionals accessible and their prospectus. You can take direction of seniors while picking discretionary.


Pick the right sources from where you would consider the angles in schedule. I will specify some great sources here. This is anything but a thorough rundown. I alluded to different sources excessively separated from the beneath list however just as optional sources. However, regardless of whether you plan just from this underneath referenced sources, you will actually want to get a decent position. Recall that your book assortment and rank are not relative.

Current undertakings: Read paper day by day. Try not to rely upon The Hindu alone. Peruse Hindustan times, Times of India and so forth PT 365 by vision IAS during prelims, Mains 365 during Mains. These are current undertaking assemblages which are orchestrated subject savvy. Current undertakings are significant for all subjects. So, in any event, when I explicitly don’t make reference to current undertakings in subjects beneath, accept it as said.

Country: Indian nation by Lakshmikanth, PRS India authoritative examination site for data on current enactments.

Geology: NCERTs, Physical topography by G C Leong.

Art and culture: Indian craftsmanship and culture by Nitin Singhania

Ancient History: visionIAS material

Medieval and modern history: NCERT, eleventh and twelfth class Tamilnadu state reading material, A concise history of current India by range.

World history: EdenIAS material. Zero in on key viewpoints and don’t attempt to remember everything. Your agreement is more significant here than occasion dates.

Economy: Indian economy by Shankar Ganesh, Economic overview, Union financial plan.

Global Relations: Focus on current undertakings, observe Big picture banters on RSTV. This show covers global relations well.

Climate: Shankar IAS institute’s Environment book. Take the most recent version.

Science and Technology: Focus on current issues

Ethics For UPSC: ‘Dictionary’ book for morals, uprightness and fitness. You need not read static substance with respect to masterminds. It’s not being inquired. Zero in on key terms like honesty, inclination, morals, values, profound quality, characteristics required for public assistance, second ARC report suggestions and so on Practice contextual analyses. Your composing capacity includes more than you’re planning in morals paper.


Security: Read about current security dangers and foster comprehension of different security dangers to India including digital dangers. NIA, UAPA change acts and such security related enactments.

Fiasco the board: Sendai system, National Disaster the executive’s plan. Zero in on late debacles across India and the world.

Optional (Sociology): Essential humanism by Nitin Sangwan is a decent source. NCERTs of Sociology help you in fundamentals.

Note: Preparation for prelims and mains covers. So, I referenced sources subject shrewd as opposed to compartmentalizing them into prelims/mains or even paper insightful in mains. Address the inquiry posed from the information you acquired. Try not to stress over where you have perused it from. Viewpoints you read in one subject may be exceptionally useful in addressing an inquiry in an alternate paper also. Your arrangement should be all encompassing.

Additionally, a few subjects are essential for prelims and are absent in mains. Bad habit versa. You need not read world history, morals, society, global relations for prelims yet are available in mains. You should peruse ancient, medieval and current history for prelims however just current history is available in mains.

Exam Strategy:

Prelims, Mains and Interview need three distinct methodologies. Each stage is extraordinary in what it demands. Have a glance at the prelims, mains question papers of 2019 accessible on UPSC site.

Prelim’s system:

Objective in prelims should be to score an agreeable score of something like 110 to 120 in the prelims GS paper.

One should not mean to address questions which he/she has no clue about. There will be no less than 10 such inquiries out of the complete 100. They are better left unanswered to keep away from negative imprints pulling down your well-deserved imprints in questions that you know without a doubt. You can speculate in couple of inquiries that you know about.

Being intensive in current issues will bring you great imprints in prelims. Additionally, inquiries from current issues are the ones that you can check at one abandon squandering energy on apprehensions. Be cautious while stamping with pen as an air pocket once checked can’t be changed. You will likewise need to bubble your roll number on the OMR sheet with alert.

Prelims is dynamic with weightage to each subject changing each year. In any case, great planning will most likely cause you to qualify the test.

Coming to technique to set up, it’s great to compose sectional tests in prelims prior to stepping through any amazing examinations. Completing a segment of schedule, say, ancient history and afterward composing test in it is the thing that I would recommend. Thusly, you will actually want to complete the whole prospectus with more prominent determined core interest. When you finish every one of the sectionals, you will understand that your scores in fantastic tests improves definitely.

Paper 2: The second paper in prelims comprising of intelligent thinking, Quant, English should be simple for most competitors. The capability models here being only 33% checks out of 200. However, I recommend you go over the top with this paper and compose not many derides, to guarantee your readiness in it is same as you might suspect. You can chip away at regions in this paper where you can improve.

Main’s Strategy:

Answer composing is significant for marks in mains. Mock tests help you in further developing capacity to resolve the inquiry well. Compose answers with a free psyche. Try not to attempt to simply recreate what you have perused. Your answer should be intelligent, all around contemplated and a significant show.


Normal mix-up which most hopefuls do is that they disregard exposition paper. They believe that their insight overall investigations will assist them with composing a decent paper in the test corridor. This is an imperfect methodology.

Planning notes for article is critical. Normal article points like instruction, wellbeing can be arranged ahead of time. Making note of important models, realities, recent concerns, government drives, cites, figures, worldwide encounters and examinations will work on the nature of the paper.

Picking the right article to write in the test is likewise significant. Pick an exposition that you are generally alright with. Utilize the decision that the article paper is offering you.

General Studies papers:

Give sufficient opportunity to every one of the 20 inquiries in GS1,2,3 and 19 inquiries in morals. With right planning and approach, it’s a simple assignment. I feel extremely glad that in mains I had the option to introduce all that I wished to, inside the specified season of 3 hours.

GS paper 1:

Zero in on understanding the higher perspective as opposed to detail. Particularly obvious in world history. Will clarify with an answer I wrote in the 2019 mains test. It’s on how American and French upsets changed the world. Maybe than referencing a particular occasions and dates, I clarified how thoughts, for example, all men are conceived free, no tax imposition without any political benefit, idea of composed constitution and so on of American transformation and rule by individuals, equity freedom brotherhood and privileges of man of French Revolution changed the world for eternity.

Be intensive in fundamental ideas of geology like environment, landforms. In current history, Tamilnadu reading material of eleventh and twelfth give a succinct and simple approach to cover prospectus. Paper perusing helps in responding to inquiries on society. Be very much aware of different craftsmanship and culture perspectives by posting down somewhere around one model that you can cite appropriately.

GS paper 2:

Worldwide relations should be centered separated from Polity. 10,000 foot view banters on RSTV with previous ministers and High chiefs sharing their mastery is the ideal learning source, as the inquiries are dynamic. I didn’t miss a solitary discussion. Mains 365 of IR should be perused as though it’s a course reading.

In Polity, focus on current enactments and issues as opposed to static. PRS administrative exploration site is a brilliant hotspot for current enactments postponed or passed by the Indian Parliament. I even made notes out of it.

GS paper 3:

By going through the GS paper 3 inquiry paper this year, you will acknowledge that have answer composing capacity. It helps in noting great, questions that you don’t normally anticipate.

Monetary review section 1 should be understood well. You can begin with perusing the outlines of all sections given toward the finish of every part. Section 2 for the most part has figures, insights in many sections. Outline of financial plan is introduced in PRS site. Recent concerns in Environment, security, S&T, Disaster the board should be focussed.

Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude:

This tests your answer composing capacity to the best as there is low extension to repeat what you remembered. You should monitor time too in this paper as one would invest energy in contemplating the response to introduce. Practice will make it simpler.

Functional, attainable and lawful arrangements should be offered in your responses to Case contemplates. For inquiries to some extent 1, making notes of statements, recent concerns and models will help.

Optional (Sociology):

Discretionary and article are critical for scoring admirably. In human science, I fundamentally followed Essential social science book by Nitin Sangwan. I likewise did M.A in humanism through distance mode while I was working in IT.

Take criticism on your answers from staff by composing test series. Rajitha madam of Shankar IAS helped me a great deal in my answer composing. I composed social science mock test series in Rajitha madam’s direction and it enormously further developed my answer composing capacity. Madam would give me individual criticism through Skype video call in the wake of assessing my content as I was in Hyderabad.

Personality Test:

Plan on your DAF 1 and 2. While one can’t foresee the inquiries that they may pose, being good to go for the meeting helps us in introducing ourselves better. Give legit, very much contemplated, courteous answers. Mock meetings help. Do coordinated ridicules with peers.

My meeting which should be on March 31, 2020 occurred on July 30,2020 because of COVID. I continued getting ready on current undertakings and DAF.

Having great rest before the day of the meeting is significant. I had a casual, legitimate rest. Eat a long time before you go to UPSC building. In case you are eager, it would reflect in your voice, articulations, energy and so on In meet, recall that how well you reason the appropriate response is a higher priority than the appropriate response itself.

At long last, this is only my methodology and I would guidance you to develop your own, based on what suites you best. Right system and readiness will without a doubt give you achievement. The very best!

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