How Scrum Values Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

Scrum can be defined as an agile framework for managing software development projects. Its main goal is to help you produce quality products in all aspects of the work, i.e., business analysis, design, testing and so on. 

There are 7 Scrum values that show how people should act during the decision making process. We at Jelastic believe they go beyond the boundaries of software engineering and can be successfully applied in various areas of life.

1) Commitment

Working with Scrum values will definitely require an individual commitment to them as well as others’ dedication to your project. If your team members follow this value you will be able to cope with any challenges much more easily because each member strives for a common goal, not their own or those from other individuals from the same team.

2) Openness

Whether it is an internal or client meeting, everything should be transparent for you to be able to work quickly and without distractions while removing any possible misunderstandings. You can apply this value while negotiating with your client or during a discussion with your colleague or manager because open communication increases significantly trust between parties involved.

3) Focus

The Scrum values will help you to manage your time well if you focus on the most important tasks first. It also helps to avoid interruptions during working hours when everyone would agree not to distract each other. This way all members of your project team stay focused on what really matters. The unplanned events do happen in life but by following this value they won’t significantly influence your work.

You can apply this principle with your clients by not giving false promises which might end up in losing their trust and asking for more money or you can use it to manage your time better during working hours too. Moreover, if you are trying to improve your business, focus on one project at a time instead of running multiple projects at the same time. It is important to have a solid foundation under your feet before starting new ventures.

4) Commitment

Team members should be committed to achieving common goals set forth by the project manager. If all people involved are following this value no one will need reminding or nagging because everyone feels responsible for his actions and decisions . This way there is no fuss about tasks being done late or something being forgotten.

5) Flexibility

Ensuring that all members of the team are flexible while doing their tasks is key to success. This value helps you create a better and more creative solution for any problem our team faces. Just like commitment and responsibility, flexibility makes every person feel responsible for his actions and decisions. Hence if one feels “flexible”, he will not mind even being overruled by other people in case it can help achieve higher purpose. This way there is no fuss about tasks being done late or something being forgotten.

6) Communication The most important job of a project manager is keeping her team well informed about what’s going on within the project so everyone has awareness about current status at all times . A simple way to do this is by regularly sharing information in the form of reports, summary meetings and email messages.  

7)    Delegate work effectively A project manager has to delegate tasks in order to get feedback from team members. This results in a better use of time . In addition, when everyone knows that she can be counted on for getting things done, it’s easier for her to maintain authority. So effective delegation increases your personal efficiency as well as boosts authority and control over the group.

8)    Give recognition If one person does something remarkable or unexpected , he/she might get some kind of reward which would further improve his performance and dedication towards the task at hand. Such rewards do not need to come from managers but also from other co-workers who might appreciate the contribution of their workmate.

9)    Promote teamwork. Teamwork not only boosts efficiency but also helps in promoting open communication about task performance, which further facilitates delegation and recognition . Therefore, one must organize team activities that promote interaction among employees. This could be anything from organizing a weekly coffee break with all members to organizing some group outdoor activity such as playing volleyball or cricket.

10)    Ask for input Employee input is important because it further promotes accountability and therefore better performance . A manager should always ask for feedback from his/her subordinates, on how they feel about their job, on what changes can be made and so on. The more an employee participates in decision-making , the greater will be his/her sense of responsibility and accountability.

11)    Evaluate performance A manager must clearly set out the goals and objectives of a project in writing, provide feedback along the way and at the end of the project. Evaluation is another time tested way to bring greater accountability among employees . Giving positive reinforcement by recognizing good performance also sets in place a system where people are encouraged to work harder every day because they are striving for something bigger than themselves.

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