Biggest Advertising Markets in Canada and How to Reach Them

Marketing dollars are best spent when focused on the target market for that product or service and finding a Canadian online marketing agency that will help to find the right place to spend those marketing dollars is crucial to your success. The biggest markets include social networking, digital media advertising, and television or radio. When finding the right way to advertise can improve results, increase profits, and help your company to reach new customers across the country and even around the world.

Social Networking

Social networking encompasses online social media and networking among social groups and people that are directly interacted with regularly. Word of mouth and referrals is one of the biggest areas to tap as it brings a personal recommendation. Often more trusted than regular advertisements, an endorsement from a person they know will attract more customers. In addition, affiliate marketing is based upon social networking and people representing a product or service to those who know them or follow them and have built trust. Using online social media can allow for targeting ads for people who fit the needed demographic and often will be shared among friends and family within the platform. Especially if they have tried and enjoyed the product or service, they will share the ad or information with their friends around the world.

Digital Media

Digital media covers online advertising, digital magazines, videos, online newsletters, and emails. Although these markets can be very effective as people request or sign up for newsletters and emails, expressing an interest improves the response rate. In addition, it is simple to put into action and has a wide reach, enabling marketing to people around the world. As people move away from paper products and single-use items, there are more people than ever using digital media to keep up with books, newspapers, and magazines. Targeting this market with products that are helpful to those on the go or who are online more than they are off can increase website traffic and expand to other opportunities.


Television advertising is a wide-reaching market, and televisions are found in almost every home. Then, by planning commercials or ads during shows that your target market is interested in, you can ensure that people will be interested in your product or service and having the right people see it will improve results for your advertising investment. This is a more expensive mode of advertising due to the production costs. However, it can show different aspects at the same time without being limited to still pictures, only audio, or only visuals.


In Canada, there is a large portion of people who commute to work or school, and this is often accompanied by the radio. This creates a large marketing opportunity as they will be tuned in to hear of traffic concerns, weather, and other necessary information. Radio marketing reaches many at one time and can be well remembered when they are looking for a specific product or service.

Benefits of Advertising

This is advantageous to manufacturers, traders, consumers, and society as a whole. Advertising offers the accompanying benefits.

(1) Introduces a New Product in the Market:

Publicizing assumes a critical part in the presentation of another item on the lookout. It animates individuals to buy the item.

(2) Expansion of the Market:

It enables the manufacturer to grow its market. It helps in investigating new business sectors for the item and holding the current business sectors. It plays a sheet anchor job in augmenting the promoting for the producer’s items even by passing on the clients living at the distant far-off regions.

(3) Increased Sales:

Notice works with large-scale manufacturing to products and builds the volume of deals. All in all, deals can be expanded with extra use on promoting with each expansion in the deal, selling costs will diminish.

(4) Fights Competition:

Advertising is incredibly useful in gathering the powers of contest predominant on the lookout. Constant promoting is extremely fundamental to save the item from the grasp of the contenders.

(5) Enhances Good-Will:

Promoting is instrumental in expanding the altruism of the worry. It presents the maker and his item to individuals. Continued publicizing and the better nature of items brings more standing for the maker and upgrades generosity for the worry.

(6) Educates The Consumers:

Advertising is instructive and dynamic in nature. It acquaints the clients with the new items and their different uses and furthermore instructs them about the new employments of existing items.

(7) Elimination of Middlemen:

It targets building up an immediate connection between the maker and the shopper, in this manner killing the showcasing middle people. This builds the benefits of the producer and the purchaser gets the items at lower costs.

(8) Better Quality Products:

Various products are publicized under various brand names. A marked item guarantees a standard quality to the customers. The producer gives quality merchandise to the customers and attempts to win their trust in his item.

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