Different Types of Employee Recognition Programs

How you recognize your employees is crucial for workplaces. How you recognize your employees impacts greatly on your office culture. 

There are various approaches you can take to appreciate your employees. You can either reward them for their exceptional work or show they are valued in their workplaces. 

Either way, your recognition program must be effective, personal, and carry out your employees’ desires. Here, we will talk about types of employee recognition programs that will fit perfectly for your organization.

Types of Employee Recognition Program

While designing your employee recognition program, you should first determine what kind of workplace culture you want to have in your organization. Then select what your employees will find most engaging and implement the idea. So. here are a few ways you can design your employee recognition program:

We will discuss these methods right below:


When we mention contests, we emphasize friendly competition. Some companies used to turn this competition into more competitive, which would turn the company culture toxic. However, when you throw in fun contests, it will encourage productivity and enhance teamwork and collaboration.

You can offer simple rewards like having a free coffee, a spa coupon as rewards. It will also help employees to enjoy themselves and feel refreshed when they come to work the day after.

Point Distribution

Like contests, you give your employees to gain certain points for certain tasks and behaviors. You can keep some small tire gifts for reaching certain points and arrange a huge gift for the most point collector.

In this method, your employees can enjoy their short time accomplishments and can invest for long-term success. 

Rewarding the Top Performers

Talented employees bring a certain boost to the company. Therefore, a company should try to keep them engaged and encourage them to keep working in the company. For retaining your skilled employees, you should distribute rewards to your top performers.

Employees, who directly contribute to the company’s success, should be rewarded and encouraged to keep up their good work. It will allow other members to follow in their footsteps and influence the overall productivity of the company.

Recognizing in Public

In some cases, words of encouragement show more than an expensive gift. Publicly recognizing your employees for their contributions will make employees feel more connected and give them a sense of accomplishment.

However, you should not make this public recognition too generic. Mentioning the names of employees and their contributions will make it more personalized and effective. 

You can create a blog post or company newsletter to recognize your employees. When you are recognizing your employees for the simplest appropriate behavior, everyone will want to be included and do better work to be noticed.

Bonuses and Gifts

A token of gratitude can be appropriate to appreciate your employees. You can give your employees accessories for decorating their workspace, gift cards, tickets to games to show your appreciation for their great work. 

You can also include benefits or perks for their personal development. You can offer your employees an online course to enhance their skills. Or send them on a paid vacation to get some relaxing time and come back recharged for taking on their next big task.

Another great way to recognize your employees is to give them some extra cash on their paycheck. Also, you can declare spot bonuses to recognize bigger accomplishments. 

If you are rewarding an entire team, you can take them to a restaurant and pay for their lunch. It will be a great gesture to show that you care and make the employees feel valued. Bringing in a taco truck for treating your whole office is another great way. It may not cost much but will bring much joy to your employees.

Peer-to-Peer Recognition

In big organizations, leaders may often forget or overlook some accomplishments of the employees. However, these accomplishments are as important to recognize as bigger ones. In such cases, peer-to-peer recognition is a great way to recognize and encourage your employees.

In this recognition method, any employee can recognize other employees for their accomplishments. As the employees spend more time with each other than the leaders, it is easier for them to notice the smallest achievements resulting in bigger ones. Thus, they can immediately recognize their works and give them feedback. 

This recognition method is very effective, immediate, and essential for organizations.

Bottom Line

Here are the most effective ways you can recognize your employees. Using an online recognition platform can be helpful in this process. These platforms can record data correctly and can notify leaders immediately about the accomplishments of their employees. Therefore, the recognition process becomes more efficient.

Without recognizing your employees effectively, your company may experience a huge employee turnover. So, for the well-being of your company, make sure to have the best approach to your employee recognition program.

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