Seven Ways Smart Technologies are Changing Business Landscapes

The journey of doing business stayed the same after the Industrial Revolution, but that won’t happen again. Since technology evolved, mutated, and been adopted exponentially over the past few years, you can’t avoid being swept up in a wave of progress-whether you’re ready for it or not. 

Whether it’s 5G, the cloud, or AI & Machine Learning, technological solutions are changing industries.

As a result of living with a global pandemic, many industry changes have been observed and documented, especially regarding how we use technology.

Nowadays, many people work from home. The pandemic also exposed the tech community to a slew of new challenges during these challenging times. The workplace is also no longer defined by geographical boundaries.

Every aspect of how a business functions saw massive transformation through technology. In addition, it happened in a way that wasn’t seen before. 

Below you will find several ways technology has changed the business world (positively or negatively).

ways of Smart Technologies


Mobile browsing is becoming increasingly popular. So much that Google has changed its algorithm once more to prioritize sites that make seamless mobile browsing possible. 

Because of this, you’ll find almost every tech company focuses more on making their website mobile-friendly. Therefore, your smart device can manage every aspect of your business from anywhere – if the right software is installed. 

You can manage your sales enablement, content marketing, customer relations, and back-end operations, like billing and shipping, with a single click. 

It’s not just you who can benefit from mobile; it’s also your consumers. With the emergence of Gen Y (Millennials), many people use smartphones and mobile devices to shop, do business, locate local stores, and share their shopping experiences with acquaintances, friends, prospects, and strangers on Facebook. 

The new approach to marketing to prospects has changed the marketing game.


Technology has also made it easier to stay in touch with one another. The integration of mobile technology and telecommunications software has created a hyper-real web of real-time information, whether that is having your coworkers on hand to chat via text/video or sending targeted promotional emails to pre-qualified customers.

The Impact on Society

A running business cannot be operated in a vacuum anymore. Due to social networking, the world has shrunk, and users can now connect regardless of geographical location, economic status, or social standing. 

Indeed, a few years ago, you could get away with “ok” customer service and product offerings. Still, nowadays, you’re likely to face a hateful Facebook rant or negative reviews on sites like Yelp. 

A popular saying defines this scenario pretty well, “What goes online stays online.”

If you earn a bad reputation, it’ll follow you around. That’s why companies of all sizes are concerned with their digital footprint and social identity. 

To prevent this, there are community managers monitoring potential “bad press” and making the rounds to stay proactive.

Also read Here’s What Technology Will Look Like In 10 Years.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence reshapes the world in business and consumer markets, part of everyday life. 

Using technology to transform business processes has become necessary for those who wish to stay competitive, changing business processes in almost every industry. 

In addition, AI can be used for many things, such as machine learning (terabytes of data are processed quickly and turned into understandable information for people) and security. 

Analyzing search patterns, what they view, what they open, and more, artificial intelligence is used in sales enablement to identify and predict buyers. 

Although some believe AI will eventually lead to joblessness, the consensus is that new roles will be created to ease the transition to the new economy. 

In the future, it will become increasingly necessary for people to integrate AI into their workflow as long-standing workflows are replaced. Although its impacts on the economy are yet to be seen, AI is advancing at lightning speed.

Transforming Client Base

Business, the economy, and the world, in general, are being driven by the millennial generation. In just three years, this generation will represent over half of the American workforce, and in just two years, they will reach their zenith of wealth (more money to spend and fewer financial obligations). 

There are more of these individuals than Baby Boomers, they are less conservative with their money, and they are more inclined to “live in the moment.” 

This is especially true because these are the people who were raised on digital technology. So, in addition to being the most tech-savvy generation yet, they are also the ones forcing businesses to become more tech-savvy as well.

The Cloud

With the advent of technology, cloud computing allows both big firms and small companies to relocate some of their operations to third-party servers that can be accessed online. 

Besides allowing for variable data packages, this method allows for rapid (on-demand) expansion and mobility with no downtime, crashes, or data loss. 

Having access to these resources has enabled small businesses to compete against corporations with much greater resources they couldn’t access in the past.

Reduced Costs/Increased Functionality

Two things have combined to create a “buyer’s market” for software. First, as hardware and software have become easier to use and more affordable, creating these software solutions has made it easier. 

A second reason barriers are crumbling is the exponential growth of savvy, business-minded individuals. Back-end inventory systems that used to take multi-million dollar companies a year to build have become simple enough for recent college graduates to implement in just a few weeks. 

Businesses can use these solutions without hiring dedicated employees or signing long-term contracts because they are offered at affordable rates.

Final Words

In the end, it’s all about your preference and choice of how you want to implement it. The rapid advancement of technology won’t slow down any time soon, so you have to adapt to it to succeed. 

Because the truth is that small businesses who fail to adapt will be left behind, while savvy ones will thrive. However, there’s no need to rebuild your business from scratch; there’s some element of merit that’s allowed you to succeed so far. 

The key is to understand how technology affects your business and use it fully to your advantage.

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