How to give yourself a fever?

When you read the subject for this article, that is: how to give yourself a fever? you may have hesitated. I accept that faking your febrile condition will be improper. However, due to inevitable conditions, there might be several cases in which you’re compelled to do so. 

When you have to say you’re ill because you have to, there are different times. An example is when you have a shameful family problem that you have to deal with-ASAP (examples: AIDS, infidelity, and similar incidences) and you can not disclose this to other individuals; thus, you have to believe that you are sick, so you can go home early and help fix the problem. 

Having said that, let’s proceed now to answer the question: How can you give yourself a fever? 

Now let understand.

What’s a fever first?

how to give yourself a fever

A fever is a condition in which the body temperature, which is 36.5 to 37.5 degrees Celsius or 97.7 to 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit for adults, is elevated from normal. For infants, however, 37.5 may be regarded as slightly febrile. 

Any above-normal body temperature is considered febrile. So, how can you get a fever? Ok, here’s how. 

10 Simple Ways to Give Yourself a Fever 

Drink hot liquids

This can make your body warm and make you sweat, which is one of the signs of a fever. When it is almost time to test your temperature, drink hot liquid regularly. Hot milk, coffee, or hot water may be drunk. 

Eat spicy foods

Some foods could increase the temperature of your body. There are usually spicy foods, such as jalapenos, red pepper dishes, and peppercorns. 

Bit exercise 

Exercises produce heat from the body, so you can do some exercises to help boost the temperature. However, do not overdo it, because you can sweat profusely, By wearing layers of clothes, keep the body temperature warm.

With long clothes, an arm sling, or a gauze bandage, you have to tie the ginger securely into your armpit.

Wear multiple cloths

By wearing layers of clothes, keep the body temperature warm. You should cover yourself with thick blankets to raise your temperature while you’re at home. Again, remove any layers when you find yourself sweating. Therefore, do this right before the temperature test. 

Wear thermal clothing overnight

Wearing warm clothing overnight is another option. This can be a sweater, jacket, or dress for the night that has the capacity to heal your body. You should not, of course, advertise that you are wearing one. Your body temperature should be higher than average when you wake up in the morning. 

Add raw ginger under your armpit 

Ginger raises the temperature of the region to which it is applied. Wash and crush the ginger thoroughly, then add it overnight or for a few hours before measuring the temperature. With long clothes, an arm sling, or gauze bandage, you have to tie the ginger securely into your armpit.

Make sure that the ginger is correctly rooted in the raw skin of your armpit. This would improve the temperature of that region. 

Add raw onions under your armpit

In your armpits, you should apply onions as well. It has been stated that if onions were used in the armpits when taken at that exact location, they might increase the temperature. 

To maximize its action, you can also leave the onion in your armpit overnight. Make sure that you don’t smell like onions in the morning, however. To hide the smell, use lotion or cologne on your arms. 

Heating the thermometer 

This is a straightforward, effective way to give yourself a fever. You can heat the thermometer directly to increase the temperature if anyone takes your temperature and you aren’t sure if your approach is successful. 

Things to kept nearby

  • Hot water cup 
  • The Bulb of Light 
  • Or something hot, like 

If the person puts the thermometer in your armpit and leaves you, before the person returns, you can immerse the thermometer in the hot water cup and return it to your armpit. 

Notice that the water must not be very hot, or it will break the thermometer. If it’s a mercury thermometer, it could spill poisonous mercury and jeopardize your health. Mercury is a highly toxic substance. 

The thermometer tip (bulb) can also be rubbed between your fingertips to produce heat and warm up the thermometer’s measuring tip (bulb). This will heighten the reading of the thermometer. 

You may also position the thermometer tip against a light bulb to increase its reading temperature. 

You can make an excuse to go to the comfort room if the individual doesn’t leave your side. Make sure that you have hot water inside so that you can immerse the thermometer bulb for a few minutes before returning to your bed. 

Readings will be diminished if you shake the thermometer. Before going back to the bed, return it to your armpit. 

Don’t sleep for few hours

You can look sick because of the dark circles in your eyes and your lack of vigor. By having inadequate sleep your temperature can also be increased.

Display fever symptoms 

You have to know the symptoms of fever because you are faking your temperature, so you can imitate these symptoms as well.

fever teblates sample

Here are the fever symptoms: 

Any sweating sweating 

This is not typically demonstrated at the beginning, but on the forehead, you should let yourself sweat. Keep in mind that the fever should have been decreased while you were sweating. 


You may vocally complain of a headache; just say, “My head seems to be divided into two” or something to that effect.


Show yourself that you shiver when you start sweating. Don’t shiver because you’re really not sweating. You may tell that you feel cold at the outset, Then hunker into the folds of your blanket or clothes.

Stomach Ache

Complaints of stomach pain and pain must be reflected in your forehead. Don’t whine about stomach pain, when your face is flawless.

Appetite Loss

Generally, there is no appetite for food for people with fever. Therefore, when you give yourself a fever, don’t gorge yourself with food. You’ve started the facade, but you have to do it correctly and convincingly, too.

Dry lips

Your lips will be cracking and dry. Don’t add any lip balm or lipstick, therefore. Your face should reflect what your body is going to suffer from.

Hoarse voice

This may not be a common symptom, but to add authenticity to your invented illness, you should fake a hoarse voice. Before the sickness, you could scream in the bathroom to make your voice hoarse.

With diarrhea

Although this is not a normal symptom that happens with fever, in some cases it does occur. Because no one can say for sure whether or not you have diarrhea, along with your fever, it’s one great disease that you can fake.

You should complain about diarrhea and go several times to the comfort room. Hang right there for a few minutes. Make sure you’re gripping your stomach in pain when you get out of John’s, and your face is in a grimace of misery.

Body or weakness in muscles

Show that by walking unsteadily with your knees appearing to bend under the weight of your body, your body and muscles are weak. If you’re feeling uncertain about your body you must read about Total Body Enhancement.

Important Advice

You can speak volumes about your physical state through your body language, so behave deliberately like you’re actually ill.

If you think the best choice is being honest with your manager or the person in charge, then don’t claim to be sick. It can become a horrible habit.

Don’t claim to give yourself a fever just to avoid liability. This is not going to improve your character, and in the end, you will be at a disadvantage. If you have wanted to give yourself a fever, do so convincingly, so that it is not going to be in vain. Take note of all of the above-mentioned symptoms and properly imitate them. 

Don’t overdo your symptoms or they’re going to have the reverse effect. They would appear contrived instead of appearing genuine. 

Honesty is the best strategy yet. 

fever conclusion


These are the 10 simple ways for you to give yourself a fever. They are tools that you can use safely if you have a legitimate reason to do so. If you’re not, then don’t even bother to think about it. 

It is easy to give yourself a fever, but it can be tedious to fabricate more things to reinforce the idea that you have ‘fever.’ You have to lie constantly to cover up a lie, and you will ultimately end up acquiring lying as a habit. Thus, be wise and when deciding, use your conscience. 

You may want to share it with our readers if you have a similar experience. I’m sure that it will also be a learning opportunity for them.

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