How to Come Up with Effective Blogging Topics

Here are some insider tips to help you out.

Consider People’s Recent Questions

You might already have an FAQ page for those queries which never seem to go out of fashion. Blogs can serve a similar function, but for topics that are only on clients’ minds for a short amount of time. For the next week or two, keep track of what your clients are asking you. Do they want to know whether a new trend is all it’s cracked up to be? Do they want to know what you’ve heard about some upcoming software? Make the subjects that they’re bringing up into blog topics.

Search Your Competitors

This doesn’t mean going to the blog of your closest rival and then copying/pasting everything to your own. Instead, look at the type of topics in which they are engaging with. These are the topics that are useful for companies searching through their blogs; find out what you can add to the discussion, and then create your own unique content. Do also search that on which top blog topics they have used which increases their traffic.

Stay Current

Keep an eye on Twitter to check what’s trending, with alerts set up for anything particularly related to your industry. When something appropriate becomes news, you’ll be able to strike while the iron is hot.

Make Responsive Blogs

While you’re looking at the competition, keep an open mind as to whether you agree with what they’re saying. One of the most effective ways to come up with an idea for a blog post is by debating the opinions put forward in someone else’s. Of course, this needs to be constructive rather than simply an attack. You can also play off other people’s titles in an interesting way; instead of ‘How to Come up With Effective Blog Ideas’, you could write ‘How to Stop Coming Up with Awful Blog Ideas’. Each article essentially aims to improve people’s idea creation process, but the second represents a new angle.

One of the biggest SEO challenges comes with having to think up new ideas on a regular basis, but you can use these tips to make sure that you stay ahead.

How Can You Stop Online Customers Abandoning Their Shopping Carts?

In physical shops, you rarely see an abandoned shopping cart, but they absolutely litter the digital marketplace. Many customers will place items in their basket only the leave the page altogether and never return to buy. This is often down to reasons beyond your control, but there are still a number of things to take into account.

E-commerce SEO

Don’t Be Too Demanding

Online shoppers like things to be quick and easy; if they aren’t, another online store is just a few clicks away. You need to make sure online deals can be closed quickly, so don’t sour your sales by asking for too much information.

You’ll need an email address in order to send the receipt and confirmation, but asking for too much additional information will turn customers off in a hurry. If you really feel that you need that data, ask for it after the sale.

Be Upfront Concerning Additional Costs

Turning around at a physical checkout is embarrassing, but online shoppers have no problem clicking away when they see your high shipping costs. In fact, 44% of shoppers leave their cart due to that expense.

Of course, you almost certainly can’t avoid shipping costs, but you should list them early on in the process. Waiting until the last moment to spring those costs on a customer does not create a very positive connection.

Reinforce Your Offer

Online shoppers should remain aware of why they need to buy a particular product from you, so make sure that all incentives are provided in the closing stage of the sale. If there’s a discount, show the original price next to the reduced one. If the product is low in stock, make sure that you present that information. Just be sure that the language which you employ remains positive.

You’ll never be able to prevent abandoned carts entirely; people often simply use them to remember items for later, or because they’re comparison shopping. However, taking the points in this guide into account can help ensure that your digital aisles remain relatively clear of missed opportunities.

Read more – SEO In 2021

Which Social Media Works Best For Your Business?

It can be really helpful for your online presence to be involved with social media and if done properly can increase relevant traffic to your website and create an interactive and loyal community. But with so many social media platforms to choose from, which is best suited to drive your business? Here’s some information on the main social media offerings.


This is for business-to-business use. If your clients are other businesses then Linked In is powerful. It attracts people in the age bracket of 30 years old plus. Also over a billion endorsements have been shared on LinkedIn – so this is a good way to get yourself endorsed professionally as a quality service provider.


For years this has been the big one. Worldwide there are more than 1.44 billion monthly active Facebook users – a 13% increase on last year and 936 million people log onto Facebook daily  – Facebook) which is a 17% increase year on year. With 1.25 billion active mobile users, a demographic age of 25-34 this is a social media preferred by many businesses. Users spend around 20 minutes on the media per session. A sizeable 42% of marketers say Facebook is important to their business. Read some effective strategies if you have experience of being blocked on Facebook.


Twitter is about speed and the potential to explode in a viral way to access the masses. You don’t have to get permission to follow, you can access anyone about anything and many major news stories now are broken over Twitter and not via the traditional news channels. You only have exposure for a tiny amount of time though and with a small message so despite its potential you need to post, post, post – so it’s high maintenance. Monthly active users on Twitter amount to 236 million people. This has fast become the darling of business with its ability to engage instantly with large numbers. Beware though – if you get it wrong on Twitter – either in etiquette, sentiment or offend someone then all hell can break loose on your brand! Politicians and business people who have thought to jump into the Twittersphere with the wrong type of message or invite of opinion, have sometimes been caught out with backlashes.

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