A Guide to Website Development Process

Website plays a very important role in every business. It is the gateway to your brand and makes the first impression. It has to be designed in such a way that every person that visits your website gets curious about it. As easy it may sound, website development is not a piece of cake. If you are someone who is curious about how a website is made and the lifecycle of the entire process, then fret not, we have got you covered.

Before we get into the life cycle and the entire process that a website development company performs in order to create a website, here is a step that starts it all. This is the step that makes everything happen and dictates the entire journey forward.

Research and Discovery-

This stage is very crucial and that is why we consider it as a prerequisite before any other step. This stage defines the ultimate purpose of the project. How it is going to be approached, target audience, content type etc. It requires brainstorming sessions with team mates and accepting constructive ideas for a better plan.

Ask questions and get clarifications in order to bring everyone on the same page. Failing to do so can cause problems in future that can delay the entire process. You have to put yourself in the shoes of your customer to understand their needs and design the product correctly.


The result of the above step will dictate the path of your next step. The mutual agreement and the research done will help you pave a path that you can further walk through. Planning requires the entire blueprint of your process. The software you are going to use, the estimated timelines. The resources you need to reach out to, the methodology – all these aspects need to be addressed in this step to ensure smooth sailing afterwards. Plan the layout of the website, the UI/UX, content structure and the sitemap.


After you are done with creating a rough sketch of your website that consists of sitemap, wireframes and roadmap. Now you need to deal with the part that plays one of the most vital roles in a website. This is the step where you have to work with your client on regular basis to ensure. The work that is being done by you should be the one approved by them. This step will transform the rough sketch of your website into a beautiful and colourful eye-pleasing portal.

Every website design company in Delhi, Bangalore, or Mumbai focuses a lot on the aesthetics of the website. And the reason behind is that most of the people judge a website within 90 seconds. Then decide whether they want to continue or exit. In these 90 seconds, it’s the aesthetics and colours of your website. That can make the best impression and not the content.  This is why making your website look good is very important.


Once the design is approved by all the team members and the stake holders. The next thing that any web development company has to deal with is the major task of actually implementing all the things that they have been planning for.  This task of implementation is a parallel process carried out by front-end developer, back-end developer and content department.

The front-end developer’s task focuses mainly on the client side of the website. It includes how the website appears, how the buttons are placed, and how the animations are working. It basically consists of everything that a user might have to deal with.

The back-end developer’s job is to maintain everything from data base to server side to integration of business logic. If we consider the entire website to be a train, then back end is the engine that gets everything going.

The content team has to deal with everything that goes into the site. Content plays a very important role in a website. It decides whether the customer is going to return or not. The quality and the quantity of the content can not be compromised as it can cause harm to the brand.

Testing and Deploying-

When you are done with all the major tasks of putting everything together, you have to find whether all these things are actually working or not. Testing plays a very important role as it will point out all the mistakes done and then you can work on it. Testing is done several times to ensure that the end product functions smoothly in website development.

Deploying is the step where some fine tuning is made just before the website is live and they ensure everything works well. They also do SEO work to optimize the website.


Maintenance includes regular updates and making sure everything is up to date and working on the client as well as the back-end side. This is very important as problems can happen any time, but it is the job of the maintenance team to make sure they are solved as soon as possible.

These are all the steps that essentially take place in the lifecycle of website development. Do remember that it is a long process that demands a lot of patience and consistency, but it is all worth it in the end.

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